Etusivu › Keskustelu › Pelialue › PlayerUnknown's Battleground
- Tämä aihe sisältää 14 vastaukset, 6 ääntä, ja päivitettiin viimeksi 6 vuotta, 9 kuukautta sitten
JJR toimesta.
30.04.2018, 09:14 #19444
AvainmestariAvataanpa aihe kyseiselle pelille.
Tätä on tullut tahkottua viimeaikoina vähän enemmän kun mitään muuta peliä pitkiin aikoihin.
Mitäs mieltä jengi on ollut tuosta Miramarista joka oli testiservuilla pelattavissa? -
30.04.2018, 10:42 #19456
AvainmestariEn muista millainen alkuperäinen mappi on, kun sen pelaamisesta on niin kauan aikaa. Uutta Miramaria kokeilin itse PC:llä ja kyllähän se ihan mielenkiintoiselta vaikutti. En muista oliko alkuperäisessä metsäkentässä yhtä paljon avointa maastoa, mutta Miramarissa ainakin on. Hirveästi ei puut suojaa jos päätät juosta kartan läpi. Täytyy mennä asumuksia ja autoromuttamoja pitkin, vaikka toisaalta niissäkin voi sitten kohdata odottelevan vihollisen.
Kokonaisuudessa ihan hyvä kartta, myös tällaiselle satunnaispelaajalle.
30.04.2018, 10:46 #19459
OsallistujaItse en ehtinyt Miramaria kokeilemaan, ymmärtääkseni oli vain viikonlopun nyt testattavissa Xboxin puolella. Mun mielestä hyvä, että vihdoin tuovat jotain uutta myös Xbox puolelle. Fortnite saa jatkuvasti päivityksiä ja uutta materiaali niin tuntuu, että PUBG on jäänyt vähän jälkeen tässä.
Pitäisi vaan varata aikaa tällekin pelille. Koittanut nyt viikonloppuisin saada pelaamattomia pelejä valmiiksi 🙂
30.04.2018, 15:05 #19465
OsallistujaKiinnostaisi tietää miten Miramar pyörii konsolilla, etenkin verrattuna Erangeliin? Koneella etenkin Miramarin isot kaupungit tiputtavat frameja aikalailla. Kenttänä ei kuulu kyllä minun suosikkeihin, toivottavasti uudet kentät tuovat enemmän värikkyyttä peliin.
30.04.2018, 16:00 #19468
AvainmestariMitä nyt muutaman matsin ehdin vetäistä, niin varsin kivuttomasti pyörii, ainakin Xbox One X:lla – ilmeisesti peruskonsolilla on kyykkimistä enemmän havaittavissa framejen osalta. Toisaalta PC:lla kun framet pyörivät siellä 60 paremmalla puolella, niin notkahtelut välittyvät niin paljon tehokkaammin ruudulla.
Vähän häiritsi se, että kaikkien pelaamieni matsien loppuvaiheissa oltiin enimmäkseen täysin avoimilla alueilla (joita Miramarissa riittää). Ei oikein mihinkään päässyt suojaan. Okei – ehdin pelata ehkä viisi kuusi matsia, joista yhdessä lensin pihalle kiitos vaimon, joka kirjautui yläkerrassa kahteenkin otteeseen minun tunnareilla (vanha Xboxini – ostin X:n tässä muutama viikko takaperin).
Pikainen analyysi kartasta. Iso mesta. Tykkään kyllä in overall, jos pelataan Squadeilla. Olisi kieltämättä siistiä, jos tässä pelissä olisi hiekkamyrskyjä yms. Note to self: keep on dreaming.
Ei nyt ihan hirveästi ole pelitunteja alla, mutta pakko kyllä todeta, että on tässä Xbox-versiossa (ilmeisesti myös PC:lla ongelmia, jokseenkin paljon vähemmän) paljon hiottavaa. Vaikkakin alan ymmärtää, miksi PUBG koukuttaa jengiä, niin onhan se tosi rikkinäinen paketti. Toivon mukaan virallisen karttajulkaisun myötä tulee myös päivitys, joka korjailisi pelin puutteita, kuten esimerkiksi jumitusta matchmakingin osalta, josta tunnutaan puhuttavan jo ominaisuutena.
Loppukaneettina todettakoon, että tykkään tästä enemmän kuin Fortnitesta, vaikkakin se tuntuu kaikin puolin valmiimmalta kokonaisuudelta, jopa valmiilta paketilta, vaikka se on ihan samanlailla Early Access. Toivottavasti PUBGin kehittäjät saisivat rytmistä kiinni myös Xboxilla eivätkä keskittyisi liikaa nyt mobiilipuolelle.
30.04.2018, 19:00 #19471
OsallistujaJuu, onhan tuota muutama kiekka singleä heitetty. Tuppaa olemaan hieman ehkä väärä pelityyli, kun lopputulema on aina kuolema melko alussa.
Liikaa ehkä esim.bäfää pelattu.
Squadia tai duo:a ei ole tullut vielä hakattua, kun ei jaksa randomi ulkomaalaisporukassa pelata.
Loistava peli ja toimii X:llä ainakin mun mielestä tosi hyvin.
Jos tarvitte nuubin jalkoihin pyörimään, niin kutsua vaan kehiin. -
02.05.2018, 14:58 #19527
AvainmestariPäivitystä näemmä puskee tai puski tänään.
Hi folks,
Since we recently verified some optimization and performance improvements on the recently launched on the Test Server, we’re now ready to bring these over to the live server.
May 2, 1am PDT / May 2, 10am CEST / May 2, 5pm KST
These optimization and performance improvements have been proven to be effective on the PUBG test server, so we’re bringing them over to live servers now.
The free-fall and parachuting process has been optimized, leading to performance improvements during the initial stages of each game.
World loading has been optimized. “Play-doh” and interior prop pop-in effects have been improved.
Movement data for nearby but out-of-sight players is now handled in a more efficient manner, resulting in general performance improvements.
Similarly, when nearby but out-of-sight players equip or unequip items, this process is handled in a more efficient manner. This helps with performance and crashes throughout the game.
The inventory has been optimized, improving response time when opening it and solving some crashing issues.
Uninhabited boats and vehicles were causing some performance issues, and we’ve resolved this issue.
After long play sessions (three or more hours) on the standard Xbox One and the Xbox One S, the game sometimes crashes. This has been a problem for some time, and we hope to solve it soon. In the meantime, there’s a simple workaround you can use. Simply restart the app every couple of hours if you plan on playing a longer play session.
Soon we’ll announce more details about our plans for additional testing on the Xbox Test Server. Stay tuned!
The PUBG Xbox Team
03.05.2018, 08:19 #19558
AvainmestariTestaus miten twitch videon upotus onnistuu. Kyseinen pätkä viikonlopulta testiservuilta kun yritettiin opetella Miramarin saloja.
Katso Aavikolle käypi tiemme [Xbox One] (lähettäjä: JJRfin) sivulla
04.05.2018, 10:40 #19597
AvainmestariMitäköhän tuo viimeisin päivitys rikko pelistä muutakin kuin tilastot.Tuntuu että nyt olis puolet huonompi pelaaja tässä kuin
aiemmin.Veikkaan että hit boxeille tapahtu jotain, koska nyt muutamaan otteeseen käynyt niin että 100% varmuudella tähtäys on ollut kohdillaan mutta mitään markkereita ei tule. Sama kylläkin toisin päin. Osumia näyttää antavan ja punanen pölisee ruudussa, mutta vastustaja sen kuin kipittää karkuun tai kääntyy ympäri ja tiputtaa sut kerta laukauksella umpilla suojista viis.
05.05.2018, 13:21 #19620
AvainmestariTestiservut auki taas!!!
Hi folks,
The test server is back! This time around we’re planning to run the test for just three days. Depending on how the test goes, we may decide to extend it further.
The test includes both Miramar and Erangel so we can test our matchmaking systems before bringing Miramar to live servers. That means that whenever you select a queue, the game will randomly drop you into one of the two possible maps. After we’ve tested our matchmaking systems, we may again adjust the map settings.
Eventually, map selection will come to Xbox. It may simply take some time to bring it over.
Day One
May 5, 5am PDT – May 5, 11pm PDT
May 5, 2pm CEST – May 6, 8am CESTDay Two
May 6, 8am PDT – May 6, 11pm PDT
May 6, 5pm CEST – May 7, 8am CESTDay Three
May 7, 8am PDT – May 7, 11pm PDT
May 7, 5pm CEST – May 8, 8am CESTAVAILABLE QUEUES:
All queues include both Miramar & Erangel
Solo TPP
Squad TPP/FPPFor now, we’re only opening up FPP servers for squads. This is because we’re concerned about splitting the matchmaking pool up too much. If it turns out that we have enough players on the test server, we’ll consider opening up FPP servers for both solos and duos.
Settings menu changes:
Game settings are now grouped up by category.
Colorblind settings have been added
Crosshair settings have been added
Added a new slider interface
Added an option to adjust strength of game controller vibration.
Added an option to set deadzone for the left analog stick.
Aim acceleration can now be completely disabled if set to 0.
Those of you who previously set it to “0” may want to set it to “1” to preserve the feel from previous patches.
The game controller function guide has been updated.Scopes have been changed to be more realistic:
Expanded all scopes’ field of view
Added a parallax effect when moving weapons quickly
Added vignetting (darker edges), chromatic aberration (color difference caused by light refraction), and a distortion effect on the edge of scopesOut-of-game menus and UX improvements:
The “cancel matchmaking” UI has been improved. You can now cancel matchmaking by holding the X button on any screen except the SETTINGS menu
We improved the UI that indicates that matchmaking is in progress. Progress time is now displayed. When a match is found, a countdown will appear
Transition speed between menus has been increased
Two new menu items have been added: CUSTOMIZATION and STORE.
To get a box, go to STORE > CRATES
To open the box you’ve received, go to MY ITEMS in STORE
On test servers, the number of boxes that can be purchased per week has been increased significantly (up to 100)
After launching the game, a single, simplified loading screen pops up before the lobby appears (instead of many different screens)A few more miscellaneous changes:
Emotes have been added. Emote UI will show up if you press the LB+RB buttons at the same time. Choose an emote with the right analog stick and press down with the R stick to use the selected emote.
We added some contextual on-screen popups that explain button functions.
Added new grenade hit effects and animations
We’ve removed the grenade’s knockback effect for player characters when dealing non-lethal damage (if players are killed by a grenade, they’ll still be knocked back)Bug fixes
There was a bug causing players to sometimes get stuck in a leaning position (caused by going prone while leaning). This is now fixed.
Fixed an issue causing punching to slow down movement while sprinting
Player can no longer see through walls by going prone near houses with stone steps in Miramar
In spectator mode, water sounds sometimes inappropriately continued after changing perspective. This has now been fixed
When preparing to throw grenades, the projection visualization no longer inappropriately penetrates through objectsKnown issue:
After long play sessions (three or more hours) on the standard Xbox One and the Xbox One S, the game sometimes crashes. This has been a problem for some time, and we hope to solve it soon. In the meantime, there’s a simple workaround you can use. Simply restart the app every couple of hours if you plan on playing a longer play session.Bug Bounty Program:
As announced previously, we’ll give rewards to 150 players who report bugs on the Xbox Test Server.To submit your bugs, just use this link before the bug bounty program ends on 5/14. Please visit the Bug Bounty FAQ for more information.
We’ll also give two Militia Crates to everyone who participated in the test! These will be distributed sometime after the test closes.
Thanks so much for playing, and we look forward to your feedback!
With love,
The PUBG Xbox Team -
06.05.2018, 17:45 #19629
AvainmestariTänään päivitystä testiservuille:
Hi folks,
Thanks to all of you who have taken part in the tests, we appreciate all the feedback we’ve received so far!
We’re making the following changes to the next test:
Miramar only
TPP and FPP for Solo, Duo, and Squad
Please note that FPP matchmaking may take longe -
08.05.2018, 14:45 #19639
AvainmestariJos jengiä kiinnostaa omien matsien tilastot, kierros kohtaset laskeutumispisteet jne niin alla linkki PUBG Detective sivuille.
Aikas mainio työkalu kyllä mikäli tykkää analysoida omia kierroksiansa. -
11.05.2018, 20:20 #19673
23.05.2018, 10:02 #19761
AvainmestariToukokuun päivitys on tullut. Päivitys lisää mm. Miramarin preview versioon ja on pelattavissa 24.5. aamupäivästä lähtien.
Tässä vielä koko patch note:
Hello everyone,
The May update is a major update focused on improvements to stability and optimization, as well as the addition of Miramar.
The PUBG Xbox team has been constantly monitoring and reviewing your feedback from both the live servers and PTS. We are constantly focusing on improving service stability and game optimization.
Some examples of problems which we are improving this patch are:
Situations where the characters get stuck in the yet-to-be-loaded interior pop-ins.
Situations where objects (especially buildings) were rendering too slow for users to enter.The May update adds a highly predictive-based loading system, which improves the system’s overall performance in order to facilitate more advanced and optimized map loading. It will change the priority of the loading process, which will improve loading of the area where the player decides to land.
This, as well as other improvements have been made to make loading of the map, objects and players a smoother experience overall. This system will become more effective as data is accumulated and as time goes on, you will experience more optimized and stabilized gameplay.
In addition, we’ve collected about 1,500 bug reports (including redundancies) from the past 4 PTS tests. Also, issues that may cause problems in the Live Server have been fixed in the May Update build. Community feedback on the May update will also be monitored and reviewed for future patches.
We thank all the testers who participated actively in PTS.
Optimization / Stabilization
Both Miramar and Erangel have significantly improved overall game performance on the Xbox One/S/X and stability has also been improved.
Optimization and stabilization is still the dev team’s top priority. Our goal is to deliver constant improvements.
The free-fall and parachuting process has been optimized, leading to performance improvements during the initial stages of each game.
The world loading process has been optimized, allowing buildings and their interiors to load simultaneously and reducing the overall rendering time.
The handling of resources for unseen nearby characters’ movements has been optimized to improve performance of the game.
Handling resources of equipping and unequipping items of unseen nearby characters have been optimized to improve performance during the early game and to reduce the likelihood of crashes
Character inventory loading has been optimized, improving response time when opening inventory and reducing crashing.
Unoccupied vehicles/boats have been optimized to increase the overall performance of the game.Contents
New map, ‘Miramar’ has been added.
Miramar will be available from: May 24 00:00 PDT / May 24 09:00 CEST
Miramar is intentionally designed to provide a vastly different Battle Royale experience.
It features extreme, elevated terrain and tall buildings with less trees which will give players new options for playing around cover.
The characteristics of ‘on road’ and ‘off road’ have been further differentiated. This will make the selection of vehicle type and decision to drive more critical/important.
Bug-fixes and recent balance changes will be available soon.New items are available on Miramar.
R45 is a revolver handgun which is available as world spawn
It uses 45 ACP Ammo and up to six bullets can be loaded
Red dot sights can be equipped
Damage and accuracy rate is high and reload speed is faster than R1895
The Win 94 is a lever-action rifle
It uses 45 ACP Ammo and up to 8 bullets can be loaded
It can attach bullet loops
It inflicts severe damage and it is a mid-range weapon suitable for high level players.
The sawed-off is a small shotgun
It uses 12 gauge ammo and up to 2 bullets can be loaded
This shotgun can inflict severe damage and equips to the handgun slot in the inventory
A recolored version of the Ghillie suit has been addedNew vehicles have been added on Miramar:
The mini bus is a six-seater on-road vehicle, available on Miramar only.
Its top speed and torque are low but it has strong durability
The pick-up truck is a four-seater off-road vehicle, available on Miramar only.
It has a great suspension system and powerful torque, making it suitable for terrain with extreme elevation differences.
The motorbike and buggy have new skins on MiramarGameplay Features
Emotes have been added. Emote UI will show up if you press the LB+RB buttons at the same time. Choose an emote with the right analog stick and press down with the R stick to use the selected emote.
Scopes have been changed to be more realistic:
Expanded all scopes’ field of view
Added a parallax effect when moving weapons quickly while ADS
Added vignetting (darker edges), chromatic aberration (color difference caused by light refraction), and a distortion effect on the edge of scopes
Aim acceleration can now be turned off in settings.
Setting menu has been specially improved for Xbox platform.
Colorblind mode and other modes that could help the gameplay have been added.
We’ve removed the grenade’s knockback effect for player characters when dealing non-lethal damage (if players are killed by a grenade, they’ll still be knocked back)
Added new grenade hit effects and animations
‘Key legends’ function has been added for gameplay controls. It can be turned off in settings.Outgame
Lobby loading screen is now more clean.
Matchmaking can be started in the PLAY menu after selecting the game mode.
Map selection will be added soon
Matchmaking UI has been improved, allowing more pleasant entrance into the game.
REWARDS menu has been changed to STORE menu.
Go to CRATES in STORE menu to get crates.
Go to MY ITEMS in STORE menu to open the crates you obtained.
Game option settings can now be popped up.
Leaderboard display method has been modified, allowing users below certain ranks to see their ranks in percentage.
Lobby UI overall has been improved.Bugfixes
Fixed an issue causing punching to slow down movement while sprinting
In spectator mode, water sounds sometimes inappropriately continued after changing perspective. This has now been fixed
When preparing to throw grenades, the projection visualization no longer inappropriately penetrates through objects
You can now freelook while automatically swimming forward in water
Sights should no longer become blocked while in ADS position after attaching high-magnification scopes
Fixed an issue preventing some teammates’ map markers from showing on the compass
Fixed some problems preventing interacting pop-ups from functioning properly in certain situations
Fixed the problem preventing players from changing seats in vehicles
Fixed the problem wherein turning off BGM in the lobby setting window didn’t work
There was a bug causing players to sometimes get stuck in a leaning position (caused by going prone while leaning). This is now fixed.We hope you enjoy the update and we look forward to reading all of your feedback.
The PUBG Xbox Teamja lähde: PUBG Forum
02.06.2018, 10:16 #19819
AvainmestariPäivitystä pukkaa jälleen.
Patch #15
Hi everyone,
Recently we shared a dev letter that gave a preview of some upcoming performance improvements we’ll be implementing in PUBG for Xbox One. We’ll need time to deliver on all of those improvements, but in the meantime we’ve got a small patch here with some bug fixes, improvements to Miramar, and a new teamkiller reporting function.
June 1st 9PM PDT / June 2nd 6AM CEST
Prediction based level streaming has improved.
Elastic accuracy control for character has improved.
We introduced some back-end changes to prepare for an upcoming feature and in some cases, the game would try to interact with this unfinished feature, causing the game to crash. This has been removed.
You will now be able to report a team kill. If you get killed by a teammate, simply…
Press the Y button when the result is shown to expose the report pop-up
Press the A button to report
Check whether the “report competed” message is shown on the bottom of the screen
If it wasn’t a team kill, the report button won’t appear
Improvements were made mainly in the northern part of Miramar to make it a more appealing area.
The Oasis in the northern area of the map has expanded.
We’ve added more car spawning positions to facilitate easy travel into and out of the area.
Certain problematic terrain elements (which caused weird collisions or movement) have been fixed for a smoother driving experience
We’ve added extra farming points to loot in the map.
We’ve added more objects like trees and rocks in the northern part of Miramar to provide some additional options for cover.
The interiors of certain buildings have been simplified
Fixed an issue where motorbike tires would not burst even when damaged
Some issues related to motorbike crashes have been fixed
Gamehub stats will now be shown correctly. These stats will be updated with the unaccounted data with some server-side operations which might take a bit of time
- Sinun täytyy olla kirjautunut vastataksesi tähän aiheeseen.