The awaited Lumines Live! has been a disappointment to many gamers. As opposed to getting the full game from the Marketplace with 1200 MSP, you only get a part of it and many of the modes are locked until you buy new updates. Microsoft responds to disgruntled gamers in an interview given to 1UP.
Greg Canessa, Group Manager Xbox Live Arcade, points out that Microsoft provides the platform and the developers name the price. Microsoft does set three different tiers for pricing, and at the moment they are 400, 800 and 1200 points. You first pay 1200 MSP for the Lumines game, and then extra for the locked modes. Canessa also notes, that Live is a new business and they are still trying to find the best methods and right price levels. In the end, it is all about choice and choosing what you want to play, he says.
The thing that caused most discontent was the fact that in Lumines Live! you can actually see, for example, the puzzle and mission modes that are locked. You are also notified that if you want to play them, you have to download the missing levels from the Marketplace. This way, as you are purchasing the game, you think you´re buing a complete set, but end up getting just a part of it.
Canessa replies, that Lumines is not only an Arcade game but it also has retail game features. He says, that Lumines is a full game in itself and it is up to the player to choose wether or not to buy the locked modes and new skins. There are modes which are not restricted, so you can play them as much as you like. He emphasizes that consumers´ opinions will be heard for later development.